Girl with a Pearl Earring #8
This is the final layer and finished image. In choosing what colour balanced version I was going to use to copy from, I chose this 'creamy skinned' version. People who have seen the original claim that the face is bathed in a golden hue, and is much more yellow. I liked the look of the 'creamy' one, and until I get to go out to the Hague to see it in person, I'll be satisfied with this choice. The fading of the background, from the bottom black to a blue tone around the head is due to glare; the entire background is actually as dark as it appears on near the bottom of the image, and has been done in about 5 coats of alternating layers of ultramarine and raw umber. I was unable to get a full shot without glare using the camera as a hand held unit, so I'll try re-shooting this image using indirect daylight and a tripod. Thanks for taking the time to review the images, and hope that this site has helped. best regards, Julie Donec.
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